I set the pandora station to a favorite of mine and off to work I went. As one who appreciates tidy and clean spaces the finished environment which awaited our dear friends was a space I would have happily stayed in myself. Often our intentional cleaning days are also that of lawn mowing or fort-making & nerf-playing times so I don’t get to be very long in a beautifully tidy space, this particular day did provide me with a few moments to enjoy for myself.
Ryan made it home and off we went with Hurley as our only companion. Steal-away moments as a couple are the best but they haven’t always felt that way. In years past most of our ‘away’ opportunities were burdened, heavy and hard times. Those times away exasperated the witheredness of our relationship because we were living with killer expectations (on each other and life in general). We were not able to receive any nourishment in because we were not choosing to celebrate each other as another and our life as it’s own. Thankfully the past couple years (yes, about 2 of the near 20 we’ve been married) our ‘away’ moments have provided us an opportunity to let our ‘youth’ and the gifted breath alongside it return in new ways: letting our hearts connect, our souls be refreshed, our minds be freed and our strength be celebrated. I hope my words paint a picture of the beautiful transformation which comes when we let Jesus be the only one we have expectations in or on. As a couple Ryan and I have been through so much and we are here to encourage you along in your marriage journey whether you're in the desert seemingly alone, withered and dry, or seeing eye-to-eye as one unto another celebrating being both supple and strong.
Our Friday came and went, all lovely. Saturday started like any other day, separate moments seeking Jesus and sipping coffee. We sat on the deck wonderfully aware of all the sounds around us, the woodpeckers, other morning birds, the cries of a new fawn to its mother, and the occasional tech alert, one of them being a text from my dear friend Deborah, the owner (along with her husband Arlin) of the Mount Joy home we live in…
“Arlin is coming over to drain the pond. I wondered if you wanted to come over and have a coffee with me while I’m planting flowers?”
Imagine yourself as me in that moment, remembering a few days prior Jesus had asked me to “See the pond empty.” I cannot describe with words what I knew I needed to know. It was crazy. I thought I was crazy for a nano-second but no… so what on earth am I to “do” with “this” other than know, that I don’t know...
God, You are either everything or you are nothing. I know You are everything… so breathless I am.
I did need enough breath however, to call my friends who were staying at the house and give them a heads up about the coming commotion. They let me know they would be gone all day due to wedding stuff. It’s all good and…
This is odd.
This is unique.
This is just. like. JESUS...