We didn’t tell the children about a new dog coming to join us until an evening when we knew it would be welcomed good news. That evening came and as their earthly parents Ryan and I were excited to see a little sparkle in their eyes, hear the lift in their voices, and feel the love from fresh hope filling their heart. We had made it so Audrey would participate in picking which dog would be ours and then everyone would join in for the naming of it.
Of course God had it that the puppy Audrey had picked as her favorite from the beginning was still available when it was our turn to pick. The second born and just-right female was picked and Marcie she became.
God loves each of us uniquely perfect! Do you believe this?!? If so, our family celebrates with you for the ways you have received His unique and perfect love and we’d love to hear more! These little and seemingly insignificant gifts from God are part of God’s plan to encourage His saints. It is nourishment for those of us who, at different and difficult moments, may be feeling unseen, unknown and unloved. All those adjectives are untrue but they are understood. Outside of Gods being Omni-Everything (the best way I know to describe Him as the all, of all in all <3) to us and for us, I personally don’t know how anyone can live life whole and fully present because in this life “we will have trouble” and trouble is the enemy’s method of enticing and inciting the saints to doubt God in His Omni-Everything, especially His unconditional love. And…if we aren’t unconditionally loved we certainly don’t deserve gifts and, and, etc… do you see where these thoughts and beliefs can take us living not receiving and believing God’s unconditional love for us.
Anyway, Marcie is a gift. A gift from God for us. Remember this...
So day, after day, after day within this “now 40” His Spirit has bubbled over as words within my heart which I then pen on parchment. (I will courageously share in pictures below, so that you, my one, have the opportunity to be encouraged <3 ). Then one certain morning in my set-apart time with Jesus while sitting at the teal-table on the porch looking over the property where we live in Mount Joy, there was a very specific whisper which came. It was crystal clear and full of Him.
There is a pond which, in my morning time, I am often facing as I so greatly enjoy watching God be in and through His creation. Daily I get to see Hermon the Heron fish for his breakfast, our Ruby (hummingbird) get his nectar-fill, ducks and geese raise their flocks, turtles sunbathe, muskrats be ridiculous, raccoons scrounge, deer frolic, foxes leap and occasionally I become perfectly still and breathless as the Eagle/s fly overhead or perch themselves in the pond and creek-side trees. Clearly I enjoy these gifted moments.
His whisper to me was…
“See it empty. Karah, I want you to see the pond empty.”
This whisper brought a somber stillness and I knew I needed to hear what this whisper held. I sat. I let myself “see” it empty and while His words didn’t hold any next steps, both my hands and my heart were activated in the knowing of “something.” And as I’ve shared in the past, “up went my Jesus antenna” although this time was markedly different. This time there was complete freedom, there was no looming feeling of “needing to brace myself.” So on with my day I went.
This is super-duper-very-special-song to me which I meant to share in a set-apart-small group of exceptionally wonderful saints… here it is just for you in this your certain day <3