
For this next undetermined amount of time and for reasons unknown to me, I purpose to be courageous in a new way. 

Courage is defined as mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. Venture is defined in part by, to expose to hazard or to risk.

My new courageousness looks something like this… I am choosing to confidently and humbly use mental strength and persevere in sharing my thoughts and ponderments from my day-to-day living. I acknowledge the fear within telling me not to, and I accept the reality of facing difficulties which may come by being exposed and vulnerable. Jesus, has lit this path, this path I will walk.

How is doing that being courageous?” you ask. 

Over the years I have been told by countless people I don’t make sense. They say I speak my own language; it’s been named “Karaese.” With the passing of time, I have grown more comfortable and confident in my Karaese but as I think about it, I have also grown quiet.  Mmm… quiet and confident, at times they compliment each other well, but for such a time as this, this courageous confidence is meant to have a voice. So… I will finish what was started and trust it will be for my good, for our good, and for the Greater good.   

I have three hopes in this intentional time of sharing and they are…

If you, my reader, happen to have times of being misunderstood and then tend to retreat (to you, yourself and your thoughts), don’t do it, just kidding! You can retreat; I still love you.  Would you also be willing to hear my ask of you? Are you willing to share some of your ponderments with me? You, dear reader, are amidst love here. As best as I know to love, you’ll be loved, and we can travel down our awesome God-given bunny trails together. 

I also hope to continue growing in my understanding of myself, my whole self, my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Over the years, I have pursued understanding and understanding has come. Not only has understanding come but it’s necessary partners of grace and peace as well. For me it’s fun to ponder everything, from my habits to my hopes and everything in between. Yeah for more fun like this!

Lastly, (dare I say so, because truly only Jesus knows what the point of my say so is :-) I believe encouragement will come. Com’ on Kara, of course there will be encouragement! Jesus will surely fill my spirits well to overflowing!!! With each of my stumbles He’ll be close beside me offering His bright warm smile and the best “remember, let it go” head nod. He will keep me going and He will get the glory <3 Maybe too, there will be encouragement from y’all. I welcome all who think learning Karaese is fun and truth be told, you’ll be the one who actually helps me fine-tune it.

Ultimately, may my vulnerability be a gift all-the-way-around so that as I continue to live I am able to articulate well with grace and peace, the gifts of understanding that have come and continue sharing about the truth which has set me free.