Is life ever what we expect? In our case, most often no, that's okay, it's better, right!?!
I thank Jesus for guiding me through the learning curve of letting go of expectations upon people, especially persons that have assigned or earned titles like husband, child, mother, father, brother, sister, doctor, therapist, teacher, neighbor, employer, employee etc… I’ve learned it is wise to only expect anything, and everything, from, through, and in, God. If I had not decided, and still actively decide daily, to let go of learned patterns which hold expectations, I would be super bitter and extremely miserable. As I face disappointments, I have found, God handles me and my bleeding heart so gently. I am able to lay my heartache and hurt at His feet, remembering HE KNOWS. He has experienced hurt, over and over, because we, mankind, are His love, His children. We each are bearers of His image, and we often choose... others or things, jobs or comfort, accolade or success, and the list goes on, over Him. Father, may I, your daughter, be one who humbly chooses YOU, because You first chose me. Please hear me with your heart, He has chosen you. Will you trust and believe He will wholly love you, restore you and create within you, a new whole heart, as you seek Him in both the hallelujah, and heartache days?
If the thought of God having chosen you, or the truth behind His ability to wholly restore you is confusing, please…let's enjoy a cup of tea together! I would be honored to hear your questions. There is more for me to learn of Him, through you, and this, your journey to Him.
We decided in light of knowing Ryan’s future as provider for our family, was unknown... This BEAUTIFUL opportunity, which was brought to us, would not pass us by. While there is a business component to this work, it is not the same career as self employment and accounting services! We were open to God shining light in a totally different spectrum for Ryan, career wise, but this was what He planned for us. May this be another reminder to keep in check those pesky potential expectations which we may have, even upon Him.
We are honored to report, in this case, such a swift provision and miraculous answer to our (and your) prayers <3
On October 31st, Ryan shared with humble regard to his employer, the truth of how this opportunity came, completely unsolicited, to our family. There was a level of legitimate angst associated giving his 30 day notice. Ryan had believed and shared with them earlier, he would be able to stay on board with them through May of 2018, this now, would not be the case. With our belief in God having provided this particular opportunity, Ryan took courage and sent the official notice to them. There could be financial difficulty associated with this, and recently we had experienced this type of backlash from them, our concern was valid, enough to not move forward, NO. Ryan has only worked to serve them, despite their partnership not having been as it was discussed to be. Here we stand, trusting actively, even if it becomes unfortunately complicated, it will be for our good, and will hold within it another opportunity to learn.
I must share with you also, there was no accident Ryan would be giving his 30 days notice on October 31st. This is a two-fold gift from God. My faith journey with Jesus has been marked in many ways, part of those “markings” being calendar dates. Him and I share anniversary days, days which hold special, sometimes bittersweet, yet all sacred memories. October 31, 2016 God granted me physical healing at the hands of a great neurosurgeon, Dr. Keith Kuhlengal, who performed my spinal fusion <3 May Ryan be aware of, and return praise for this, his new gift of freedom, freedom from the burden of his old work, alike my freedom granted from old physical pain.
With GREAT JOY, we share with you… His employer did not chastise him. We praise God for the understanding they had within their hearts. Ryan served them fully for the month of November, his last day being on the 30th. His first day with Charles Brothers Inc. was on December 4th, which happened to be the day before I started on my pilgrimage to the sacred sands of Israel.
TALK about the CROWNING of ANOTHER year <3 <3 <3
Gifts will come for the rest of my life because of the gift He, through so many, gave. I pray I am able to put them to type, that… in the event your life’s days do not take you there, you are blessed by my sharing. Be on the lookout for posts related to those sweet, surreal and sweeping moments spent in Israel and Palestine <3 For now I leave with you, this… be ever blessed, Jesus LOVES you and I do too <3
please take a few minutes to be saturated by the two songs posted below and... don't forget to turn it UP!!!