I have so much to be thankful for. I acknowledge, even in my/our difficulties, there are fringe gifts that many others do not have and vice versa. I do not forget, and for this, I return praise. A few months ago, while studying the book of Mark, I was brought to a place by the Holy Spirit, to continue letting go of what I’ll call “assumed equations" (things like, ’if this, then that’ or A + B = C). When living as an American Christian, there are many “assumed equations” that our culture tends to breed, but often these assumptions are not scripturally sound. Some of these assumed equations (I’d be willing to share more on this if your heart begs to dig deeper) often mock me, thankfully I know they are not rooted in truth and I choose to let go. I then stand, calm and confident, in HIS truth, but I do wonder why I had to face that a g a i n. The wondering brings me to a posture of waiting…in Him and for more of Him. Indeed, my heart was hugged, as Jesus was so gentle in reminding me, He knows ALL that I need. He then asked me to go a bit further and share some of what I want.
I digress here to remind you and myself of the beautiful baseline truth… Jesus has graciously and sacrificially given Himself for ALL who seek Him. As His beloved daughter, I am forever in awe, and eternally grateful!
His nudging continued, asking for me to say (in my case, write) MORE, more of what I want. Through examples in Scripture, we are given the opportunity to know and to believe. He has and will always know ALL of what we need. In His perfect love, He then asks us what we want… of Him, from Him, through Him.
Acknowledging It's difficult for me to even type those words, sheds light on some old "religion" in me, fighting to be where I then make decisions from. This will not bring life. We have Jesus' literal Word in the Scriptures, asking many who came to him "what do you want me to do for you" therefore, I am embracing His gifted courage to me and sharing this part of my journey with you.
"Kara, what do you want me to do for you?"