From Tampons to Trips (Part 4)

With Ryan walking away from this work and choosing to set his feet in a new direction, he now stands at a logistical crossroad in his life.  We know in our heads and hearts, a change of job is not the “answer” to bring peace.  We do however believe this change is part of God’s answer for Ryan, in ultimately experiencing freedom.  We are reminded in the Scriptures, FREEDOM is why Jesus came, and died.  He did this for you, for me, for Ryan, for all mankind.  Freedom to this point, is not what Ryan has experienced.  We have no clue...for real, absolutely no inkling of what is next.  We also do not know the exact timeframe of Ryan’s complete exit, but it will end, at the latest, in nine months (by June/July of 2018).  Even so, we will walk forward in complete faith and trust in God. We know God will continue to lead and direct us in the life He has for us and we will receive all that is offered from Him.  We will not be attempting to create our own miracle.  Ryan has followed.  I have followed.  It is not foolishness that has us here.  So now, as His faithful servants, we are given the opportunity to stand on His truth and promises for us.  I am, with reverent fear, declaring there are many, many, many, good things yet in store for Ryan and our flock. To Him be ALL the GLORY.

This is important for me to reiterate, while Ryan is walking through this, myself and the children alongside, we are most thankful that “it” will all be the gift and working of the Holy Spirit to reveal MORE to us, in His perfect timing!  It will not be Ryan’s trying, works or efforts, not my works, or efforts, and certainly not a magical something that we could “miss” if we aren’t doing it all “right!”  In the meantime, I will stay in my lane and continue to seek more of our God, love the man He gave me, and lead the precious (and persistent ;-) children in my care.

Would you please partner with us in PRAISING HIM, for HE has led us here.  May we also ask for your persistent prayers for peace and abundant favor as we wait, sift, rest in, and finally walk through this change.  We cared for you to know our current truth.  After all, our knowing of YOU being one in addition to the great witness' of whom are praising God, is part of how we have remained standing <3

Ryan’s recent opportunity to see goodness in what feels like a very grave situation brings me back to a crystal clear memory of the question being asked to me (in a time not too far back and equally grave) “Kara, do you need anything?”  My humble response, after a long pause “Well actually, tampons. I need some tampons.”  This gift, akin to the before mentioned gift, had no neatly folded corners, no bows, no dreams, yet it too, was also rich.  Rich with opportunity, the opportunity to receive.  Tattered receiving is tough.  I’d like to think I am a pro at it, alas, maybe not, because it was my struggle to receive that brought me to the computer today.