Jesus, You are adored by us! The works of Your hands, breathtaking! Your words, powerful! Last night’s sky and all it held, it’s depth and the sprinkling of stars, stunning. The dark night sky can bring fear, worry and doubt but last night it brought memories of Your faithfulness and reminders of Your splendor! You are amazing! Thank you for all Your gifts!
This morning we will work. Thank you for good rest. Thank you for communing with us as we utter our words to You in this way. Thank you for each ‘perfect’ morning You provide us with. Recognizing the gifts which will come today invites us to remember our breath is yet here but then when its not, wow, the splendor of our forever days with You, face to face, we are able to say ‘yay’ for that day too!
Our hearts are set apart for You and as of late some of us are experiencing loneliness. If there are aspects of our day You’re inviting us to ‘do a little different,’ lead us. LORD, we are investing ourselves in You and in this we ask for Your Spirit’s purposeful guidance for today. From this place we are able to love those You’ve placed beside us.
Jesus, please un-complicate our minds. Let us live and breathe, be and do, from Your beautiful place of peace. Bless us and our doings as we are invited to forever grow with You. May we recognize You are the One who completes us. We choose to rely fully upon You.
We praise You for Your miraculous provisions of ALL we need, forgive us for also expecting full provisions of that which we want. Let us experience Your peace knowing You have actually made made us to want and in our wanting we get to simply trust You for all… even in the ‘if, when or how’ You may, or may not, bring these extra wanted gifts to us.
You are the One and Only.
You are the LORD, our LORD, there is no one like You!
We tarry knowing You indeed are working for us and in us as we wait upon You!
<3 Your Abandoned Saints