Counting up... #3

Our Father who IS in heaven and also with us, how magnificent is Your name! Your Kingdom COME, Your will be DONE on earth, here in me and in us, as it IS in heaven.

LORD give us this day, Your daily bread. Give to us that which sustains us beyond physical hunger. May the fruit of your Spirit be evident.

Forgive us for doubting, for in our fear, we question if You are still here with us, able to take care of us. May we receive with gladness the gifts you have for us which are of Your higher ways! We lay at your feet our resistant hearts we have towards forgiving some. We let go because You say so and we trust You to continue holding and healing us.

Today, lead us away from temptations to live with a crabby Spirit, a Spirit of defeat, one of complaining and frustration.

Deliver us from the dark sides of evil which press in around us! We are Yours and we are sealed! May Your Spirit be what moves POWERFULLY against the unseen, FOR YOU to then BE SEEN!

Jesus You are ours, we humbly thank You. You are VICTORIOUS and with You before, beside and behind us, we’ve got this!

We love You!
