Good morning friends, what is life like for you this morning? Are you light-hearted, heavy-hearted or a little of both? Bounding with energy or already sighing in exhaustion? Do you have hope for this day, this One Day, this certain day which is unknown to you, but known to your Maker and is before you with His promised good in it?
What comes to mind when you think about the words “one day,” how would you finish a sentence which starts as “One day…”? Would your ending punctuation be a simple period [.], an exclamation point [!], the three-dot (ellipses) […] cluing us into your unknown or maybe even highlighting some apprehension in your uncertainty of how to confidently share what could come in a sentence which starts with “One day…”
‘One day’s’ are a daily reality for me. In my past as I would describe ‘one days’ they would hold some heavy-hearted even tragic experiences and also some beautiful dream-come-true bits. As years have passed I simply know that one day is my every day and by choosing to live in ‘one day’ mindset the unlimited opportunities of God to be, are.
A few years ago as I was reading intentionally through Scripture as it is bound (the old and new covenant or as you may refer to it the old and new testament) I tallied how many times I read ‘one day.’ In my casual tallying I came up with it being written 66 times in the old covenant and 31 in the new. Because of my love of Jesus’ words as I read Scripture and came across ‘one day’s’ I would let myself see them, linger there and put myself into the situation of the story being shared at that time. Indeed some of what happened on those shared ‘one day’s’ were heavy-hearted outcomes yet others were so miraculous I struggled to even comprehend it all.
By now I am betting you’ve heard your head and your heart finish your “One day” sentence a few different ways [. ! ?] Are you interested in letting yourself continue contemplating ‘one day?’ I share this because my post “this now 40” days are all “One day …” days. One day this, one day that and one day GOD…!
God prepared our flock for this change which we have followed through with by giving our intent to leave (30 days notice). In His gifted ways of preparation for us He has bestowed upon us an even greater measure of peace which I can’t even comprehend, unity between Ryan and I like never before, and hope within each of us that is palpable. This hope of knowing we will receive more of Him by our following through with walking on the path He has started to light does, in this case, have some sweet and strong words around it, jaw-dropping goodness. I am letting myself courageously ‘stay’ with those words, knowing I will celebrate this coming jaw-dropping goodness whether it be in matters of the heart or tangible gifts.
While we were in “this now 40” it was ever before us to continue ‘staying’ with Him. I now see how this ‘staying’ was the means of solidifying that which has not yet come, this new jaw-dropping goodness. Even still I am grateful, we are grateful. I am expectant for more of Him, we are expectant for more of Him. In what we know because of His gifted Spirit within us we can already (and forever) count on greater measures of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control and we do need it. These next few weeks of logistical living are gonna be interestingly full, full being an understatement.
We have two established households, our current space being large and significant and the lake home 3 hours north where the children and I are headed full-time is quite small. We’ve lived small before and honestly those days of little-house-living were wonderful! We are grateful for the opportunity to pare down again, for us less always leads to more (with matters of the heart)! The hindrance I face right now in this my ‘one day’ is the desire to accomplish the necessary pare down and move with supreme efficiency (if you know me well, hopefully you are laughing with me) so that when we get there the children can easily-ish transition into school and I can transition well into living without Ryan for the work-week.
I catch myself shaking my head at God my Father in this, not in anger or disrespect, but rather in “hope AND how on earth…” and every time with a gentle yet strong sense He reminds me He is God and He can be fully trusted AND I have my crows-feet-smiling, all-powerful Jesus with, before and beside me AND His Spirit in me for me so with that beautiful freeing truth my breath returns. It’s a miracle.
I am not excited about being apart from Ryan, I’ve reminded God that He has brought us through so much as a couple and over the past two years He has given us a new love for each other and unity in ways we’ve never had before and now we are to live separated?!?
“Yep Karah, this is for you all, for now.”
As all of what we need is provided for us (sustained friendship between us and the owners of this property, a place for Ryan to stay, the children's schooling sorted, being able to get to less so we can simply outfit just one dwelling space, increased flexibility with Ryan’s work to hopefully allow for a little extra time to be together as a family and more) we celebrate. In just these first five days these expressed needs have in-part already been provided so we know it is our now and it is for our good. I trust this time for our flock will bear fruit, maybe some new fruit and definitely some jaw-dropping good fruit.
May we each let all which this “one day” holds be for us which in turn is for Him and all others we are with <3