this now 40, part 10

Today is day 38/40 and earlier this morning I wrote “part 9.” I’ve asked Jesus to let me finish the story. I’ve asked Him to please, really finish, like completely write out and shine light upon the next steps yet this day. I’ll keep you posted and for now I’ll at least highlight where we are post-call, pre-end of “this now 40.”

Because Ryan and I know this change isn’t about the now empty pond or the soon coming dog, we have been able to encourage our friends and owners of this property by letting them know, we understand. We support them and their pet policy as well as their desire to increase rent and have more significant work completed here. God knows the plans He has for this beautiful property and we are believing the same jaw-dropping-goodness He has promised us, will also be brought to the them. 

If you had talked to me just 2 months ago about leaving here I’d be astounded, we had just planted our vegetable garden, two lilac trees, two hydrangeas, three ruby slipper hydrangeas and nine peonies. We’ve sat in awe watching the hummingbirds come for nourishment and seeing the eagles soar overhead has strengthened us. I’ve come out in the middle of the night to experience God under His blanket of stars and also let myself be undone through magnificent meteor showers. This property has gifted me such great perspective in living as a most beloved daughter of the King. Everything Jesus whispered to me about what was in store for our family the last time He surprised us (the 65 day pause in 2015 when we were led to this property) has all been fulfilled. It’s incredible, again, God’s loving-kindness being given to prepare us in knowing He is setting our wings to fly.

As a mother I initially had heavy-heart pangs thinking about our children and how their constant has been change. No sooner did I have those thoughts He whispered to me…

“Dearest Karah, you love your three now imagine Me and My perfect love for them. This is good. It will be good. Just trust Me.” 

His “just” word is quite a BIG word with a TALL order, but okay. I can and will humbly praise God for always letting Himself be felt and seen, both in change and in moments of sameness. For God’s set reasons we have been a family of His not able to put our roots into an earthly establishment. At first I resisted His leading here, I’m so glad we’ve learned to embrace His plans for us. Having been in awe of Him throughout our time here, I have chuckled out loud in my asking, “How can You top this?” knowing full well He can, after all the world is His, but I am actually asking so… He chuckles back in love, smiling and by His expression He’s letting me know He is saving this answer for me, for us… 

He knows we know to wait until we are outside “this now 40” to move forward with applying our human finite wisdom of what to do and how to move forward. With every detail and thought of our lives being cast at His feet and laid upon His table, we are bare, unburdened and able to live. This is good. We are also exceptionally ready for more of His never-ending, ever-surprising, new-to-us, jaw-dropping goodness to come and HE WILL bring it!

*This is the posture He has invited us into for the past 26 days with 2 more to go. Are you willing to join us in being watchful and expectant for where and how He will have us living…? Stay with us, unless you are meant to be part of the answer, then act… act now (ha ha) <3