I feel it

I feel it in my throat.

I feel you? 

What is it, at the base of my neck, when I have times of great joy and sense the great sorrow?

I feel it.

It’s squeezing perfectly around the base of my being, the base of my mind, and I do not desire to let it be a restriction.

I need you to cut the string, the string of my DNA to the wounds of my past, the wounds of my days gone by.

I understand and will let you sever this cord for me.

I will let you remake me Jesus, keep remaking me.


I am a new and lavishly loved daughter of Yours.

I am complete and whole, able to live and love. I will not let the void you have let me know, be the end of me.

Your promises are TRUE.

Your promises are LIFE.

I will LIVE according to all, which You have said and continue to say to me.

With love my dear Karah, my beloved,

live and love, share and shine…for this is the day I have made.

You delight me, as I know I delight you.

These are the moments meant to keep making you, both now and forever…

receive them, both joy and sorrow…

keep hangin’ your hat and hope on me dear one…

it is worth it…

for you were worth ME to Him <3