There is no best way to share. This is what I am telling myself, I believe it to be true. For me to have this thought become a belief so that I grow in my courageousness, I will keep telling myself this, out loud even, and I’m cool with that.
As I shared the other day about my intentions of having a specific home environment, one of peace and calm and that of purpose as I send my three off to school, I thought about you, my reader. I wondered if any of what I shared would fall upon your heart and become a weight. This is not my hope or my intention. Please know my past and my current days are never better than yours.
Those who know me well or have known me long enough, I think would genuinely pause (if they happen to read something I share) and celebrate with me. They most likely do not forget all the times I have wept beside them, solicited prayer and help from them, and at times practically demanded an explanation so that I could cope living through the current circumstance I was facing. “They” however, may not be you.
If you happen to be new to my story, I share what I share to breathe life and hope, not their opposites. I am not presenting a life manual or a “better than plan,” because the greatest life lesson I’ve learned is knowing there is no life equation. There is no cookie-cutter “A + B = C” for him, her, them, or me! The tear-filled days, the asks of my dear sister-saints, the blank (yet love-filled) stares back at me knowing there was no answer to help me navigate the times, have served me and are responsible for the majority of my making. I ask of God through all I share, you, dear reader, are given a gift of hope and encouragement. If your days are tear filled, may you dare to let yourself believe they will not be wasted. Instead, in time, may you believe and know your tears will serve as a necessary soul saturation to aide in your making.
With love, kara joy