I finally made the decision to go and I mailed off the check for the remainder. Again, being honest, because that is all you ever get from me, I was uncomfortable sharing this miracle with others for many reasons. One reason being, we have chosen to live hand-to-mouth, there has always been much unknown surrounding Ryan’s work, and well…what would someone think? Our flocks meager existence has been within stewardship, but this trip was going to cost us something, literally. I knew I didn’t want it to come out of our “regular” planned family income so in my heart, I had already thought of some creative ways to add some income.
< ALERT> <ALERT> You've arrived at my original INTENT in purposing to reach out to you… I am extending the opportunity to you, to come and ENJOY time together, in the beautiful home of my dear friend, and sister saint, Deborah. She is hosting and evening for me where I will be parting with all my jewelry from lia sophia, other special extras that I have, and baked goods! Maybe you would appreciate some of these things for yourself, maybe you could use some as gifts, or maybe you’d simply come out to share a special half-hug and be refreshed yourself! It will be an evening together to help our family replenish the cost of this trip and possibly support our future days with all that is yet unknown! See the insert card for your special invitation and requested RSVP for this evening together! <ALERT> <OVER>
After my personal and our small (but significant to us) financial commitment, as swift as an arrow flies, fear fought for me again. My commitment to the trip was quickly overshadowed with what should be worry because of a particular experience with Ryan and his work.
Ultimately it was this experience that brought about Ryan’s final declaration regarding knowing he is to leave this work. What Ryan had to address with his employer, is what God has had on his heart for a loooooong time.