From Tampons to Trips (Part 10)

As Ryan needed to address certain issues in the past related to work, he, like many of us, would subconsciously add the filter of {pleasing man} to that which he believed was what God desired.  Addressing conflict, setting boundaries, then living them out, is difficult for all of us.  It may be especially difficult for those of us who desire to serve God.  It seems, for some, because of religion, there is a lopsided “servanthood” mentality.  This servanthood mentality doesn’t come from the pure place of God and his asking of us, but instead, from a guilt ridden, chain-linking, bound place.

In faith, we may not be sure when to stand on what, this is how we learn from God, for God.  What we may perceive as small or insignificant issues, we learn, in God’s economy — are not little.  I am proud of Ryan for bringing to light some of the issues that were at hand within his work.  He complied a three-page letter and addressed the owners with respect and regard.  At the end of this communication … he committed to continue serving until the end of the agreement they held, which is June or July, but then, at the end, he will be walking away from public accounting.

After sharing this news with them, he wasn’t sure what to expect.  They absorbed what was written and appreciated that he did so, in such a way, which helped them better understand the bigger picture.  I’m also gonna suggest their pride was hurt because they then “slapped us on the hand” as their way of projecting their ultimate work “control” over him.  It was a financial “slap,” meant by the enemy to illicit fear and fretting. While it was very unfortunate, it allowed us to have active trust again in God.   It also, brought forth this opportunity for me to intentionally share with you, this… our latest.

I pray this update and our opening of the window into the workings and miracles of God, blesses you.  I pray you see Him woven in, and through, our tattered road to TRUTH, our hope for unity and healing, and our FAITH!  

Our Faith in Abba, Father, Creator, Sustainer, and GOD ALMIGHTY!
Our Faith in Jesus, the ONE who is TRUE, and in Him, ALL CAN FIND FREEDOM!
Our Faith in the Holy Spirit, who leads, guides and directs along the path that is perfect and pleasing to our good purpose which was and is ordained by our great God!

There you have it.  ALL of it.  I hope in some way reading this was a “gift” to your day and not just a chicken and cucumber kind, lol!  Thank you for remaining alongside us, remembering us, and praying for us ALL these years!    

(remembering this was a snail mail letter that we shared here was my call to action)

I’m including a self addressed/postage-paid postcard for you to kindly:

  • RSVP to the jewelry and more evening {jewelry, handbags, books and baked goods}
  • Share with us if you are you willing to commit to prayer for the next 9 months (and beyond)?  If you know specifics you’ll be praying over, that would be awesome <3  
  • Lastly, there is an “other” box, if you care to share, inspire, or provide in some way that only is made known to you <3