This past spring, Ryan chose to merge his business with a virtual firm based in South Carolina. This was the final outcome after pursuing every other possible lead, each time carrying with him the hopes and prayers to ultimately close his business. He desired to start fresh somewhere else and experience (the possibility of) less of a work burden. Ryan, knowing that his work has stolen from him, us, and them (the children) for too long saw this merger opportunity as a way for him to release some of the “many hats” he was wearing as a one-man-band and “just work.” We knew the transition would be difficult initially but in time we had hoped for this merge to be a gift, as we knew this was the path our Lord had lit.
As I type now, after these past few months of struggle beside him, we do see how the merge is a gift. This “gift” however I would not describe as the type where, the thought alone is exciting and the purchase is planned. It’s then wrapped up perfectly with ever so clean and crisp folded ends, topped with a layer of glittering bows. The giver then poised to present the present and the receiver (even before opening it) has rich and indescribable thoughts, pregnant with great potential, pondering and dreaming of what may be inside.
No, “this gift,” as of now, is like the gift of a rotisserie chicken and a cucumber from a friend that has some extra. It is like the text from a friend that you didn’t solicit which speaks exactly to the screaming wonder and hurt that only Jesus can continue to heal. It is like the gentle half-hug squeeze from one who loves you. “This gift” of having been led down this tattered road for me is like, one asking… which we did, and then One providing… which He did. Even with the road being so tattered and seeming to never end, it is worth it.