Back to the phone call on December 3rd when Deborah offered us the house while I was running my errand. She asked if I could come by and check it out. I was still sitting in my friends driveway, red eyed from tears, and as I wrapped up the call we sorted out how I can quick squeeze in a peek at this new farmhouse. I savored the call and the joy that it gave within.
The Last 65 Day Pause, Part 9
My children are amazing. Yours are too, let’s celebrate this truth together.
These three I have been given are divinely placed here, to be our flock, they have to be. The journey that we are on, has been somethin’ and it has been so richly satisfying within, but so challenging too, as it’s held so much change.
The Last 65 Day Pause, part 8
I hadn’t spoken with my friend Deborah for a good six months or so. We have a special bond because of a book study that we had both participated in, so I wanted to hear the latest from her...which I did. It was full of praise, which is always awesome. Just as I was pulling up to my destination, Deborah turns the conversation to the question she had for me.
The Last 65 Day Pause, part 7
After all the abundant goodness, whispers and confirmations, the owners announced they were canceling the contest and returning our fees. In all honesty, my first emotion was that of relief. To be given a farm would have been crazzzzy! We, as a flock, have been on this long journey and the all-and-all of it, has been us being totally abandoned to Jesus. We have been an upright and hard working family. To be given a property, especially one that would be an answer to part of our family’s heartbeat would be simply amazing. Yet, it was not for us. It was not to be awarded to anyone. I was perplexed though. What were all these little miracles that had happened to confirm our obedience in having mailed the essay in the first place? Either I am crazy and made “it” all up, or there is more for us, yet, coming...?
The Last 65 Day Pause, part 6
Back to the big picture...
Technically my intentional pause came to an “end” on November 26th. This was the date that the contest was originally set to announce the winner of the farm. However, in October the owners of the farm, running the contest, chose to extend the deadline in hopes to receive more entries getting them to their minimum of 5,000 as expressed in contest rules.
The Last 65 Day Pause, part 5
The Last 65 Day Pause, part 4
My heart and our flock experienced so much during this keep this short(er) I’ll share in bullet form.
- The Chosen Ones (my three kiddos) decided to head to public school. Jesus met me the following morning with “So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives our Father great happiness to give you the kingdom.” Jesus (Luke 12:32)
Psalm 65
What mighty PRAISE, O God, belongs to you in Zion.
We will fulfill our vows to you,
for you answer our prayers, and to you all people will come.
Though our hearts are filled with sins,
you forgive them all.
What joy for those you choose to bring near,
those who live in your holy courts.
What joys await us inside your holy Temple.
The Essay: It's All in the Asking
Once upon a time there was a family; they were a herd of five. From the very beginning they have traveled a narrow, winding, yet satisfying path. This path has led them into many unique opportunities, lots of life-learning, and even some dreams come true. They believe abundance in life is offered to all, but an overflowing abundance of good things is given to those who take the time to ask and answer questions. Your question of, “Who wants it: this incredible family farm and all the history that it holds?” is rich with miracle potential. So, right off the bat, in case you were wondering, this family, this herd, is sweetly shouting in unison, “Us! Us! Us! May we be the ones to carry on your legacy?”
The Last 65 Day Pause, part 3
There I was, September 22, sitting in a surreal moment, holding a completed, “pretty good,” edited essay, a money order for $200, and the entry from to enter the contest. I was numb because of having some God confirmations behind it. While God is always searching my heart and knows my intentions, I wanted to pause and ask Him, if He’d have me “do” and/or in some cases “not do,” something. I devoted the remainder of the day to being aware of my thoughts, my awareness’s, and wait for Him to maybe whisper into my proposed pause.