In a moment of Selah we pause and poise ourselves prostrate for You to receive from us all praise, glory and honor.
LORD, You are our God and You are able to continue working in us to bring about ALL which was planned long ago. The good works You have planned for us to grow through. Forgive our delay and our excuses. We also ask for the removal of the lie within, that of, only being worth that which we do. We desire to live and work well, as You’ve invited us to, but not as our sole purpose or for man’s approval. Let us live wildly every minute of this day in Your never-ending grace and absolutely UNconditional love!
Let those who we interact with today experience You. Whisper to us throughout this day so we remember, minute by minute, we are kept by You, for You. Write again, upon our hearts, who You have made us to be. As You bestow more of Yourself let us not block the abundance of Your love and hope for ourselves, and for all we meet and live beside. You alone are who we serve.
By the power of Your Spirit within us and so that Your Name will be praised cease any additional lies which are being hurled at our hearts by the father of lies. We know his aim, but You know it too, and YOU are our Father!
Hallelujah!!! Amen