Counting up... #11

Good Morning King Jesus, there is even a gift in just this, our greeting to You and in return, Your gifted grin of delight in greeting us.

For those of us struggling to feel physically well, bring us along in our healing. You are our healer and sustainer, thank you! May we live today in and by Your Spirit’s power. Jesus, we rest in Your goodness and grace. It is because of Your Word we know we will be led through learning more of You today and we are grateful.

We believe, deep into the marrow of our bones, Your plan is the only plan which is GOOD in all ways.

We do believe Your words when you said those of Yours who will loose their life for Your sake, WILL find life.

We really do believe when we seek first Your KINGdom and Your righteousness for us, EVERYTHING of true value will be given to us.

You are THE WAY, You are THE TRUTH and You are THE LIFE!

We are Yours and You are ours!!!

Hallelujah, Amen <3
