The List

Today’s tid-bit holds the bulleted version of some of our day to day journey of living out that which was necessary for us to let our home on the farm come to a close and the home by the lake be what is…

  • Communicate with Landlords with the intent to leave property by August 31.

  • Embrace what God knew and gave us, time with extended family from August 1st - August 4th.

  • Pick up Marcie Lu (our new puppy) on the way home from extended family time.

  • Communicate and cancel the children's current commitments for school, drama programs and sports.

  • Enroll children in 21st Century Cyber.

  • Cancel all respective bills affiliated with Mount Joy property.

  • Start inquiry for work-week living space for Ryan.

  • Inquire and possibly hire painters to paint upper lofted space in Lake house.

  • Call Wallenpaupack Lake Estates to understand HOA rules and file for all rights to be able to live in the community full-time.

  • Kids and I -- Donate/Sell the entire contents of Lake House on August 7-8 so that we can move in.

  • Determine our favorite furniture and belongings which we hope will fit in what will now be home...

  • Donate/Sell the majority of the contents of the Farm House starting August 9th since we have determined what we will keep.

  • Reserve U-haul 16’ trucks for weekends August 14-15 and August 21-21

  • Ask for help evenings of 8/13 & 8/20 to load U-hauls.

  • Determine plan for getting cars to Lake House.

  • Maintain cleanliness of home as well as lawn/garden/weeding of acreage at Mount Joy property.

  • Live Loved and Love Living <3

Oh my... this was just the list, actually living it out came with allllllll sorts of goodness, can you feel my slight-smidge-o-sarcasm?!? If only life was all about being able to live by, from and for a ‘list.’ In days lived prior to this most recent change as well as during this transition I have found the steepest learning curve comes through all the ‘non-listed details.’ Hang with me friend for there is much ahead and I know you’ll enjoy seeing some pictures we snapped off documenting our journey and I’m guessing, maybe, just maybe, you’ll shake-your-head with me ;-() because of some of the goodness?!? we were given along the way. 

Remember… freedom is found when living fully hid in Jesus apart from all circumstances AND expectations on mankind, just sayin’!