dear saint

It’s Friday, yeah!!! In some hearts however, it’s Friday (sigh)…

Remembering the history of our Lord Jesus and because of Christian tradition I also know to remember Fridays as a day which can hold real, hard, and perplexing times. It was on a ‘Friday’ when Jesus in obedience to God, His Father, willingly let Himself be wrongly accused, publicly scorned, beat, and ultimately nailed to a cross. While those who practice faith know Jesus could not be our Lord and Saviour if He didn’t let the cross be part of His story to the world, the day, the ‘Friday’ which held the cross was that — real… hard… and utterly perplexing for those whom He loved, lived among, and taught. Is today a “sigh Friday” for you?

I am aware of so many hard-pressed scenarios right now for those I know, who know… Jesus is holding them close. And yet, with timid truth, they are tempted to say “This is all just too much. Why aren’t the necessary miracles being given to lighten this load, where are you Jesus?”

I love you dear ones who are close and share their heartache with me. I am so sorry for this discouraging tangled twist in your road. Even harder is we also know this tangled twist may not straighten out and yet we are told we can live! The way Jesus invited me to still live in those near lifeless times was to lean into the truth Jesus had for me in the real minute which I was in. He was with me. He is with you. May you not be burdened by thoughts of the future and in your current suffering and sadness may you know and believe Jesus is with you. His presence can be, will be enough.

I remember a day 7 years ago when I was in my bedroom, looking out the window on a colorful fall day, sharing with a friend some complicated and painful realities which I was in the middle of. I was stuck on the question of “How can life be this way for me and not so for the other saints I know?” In that question I knew at my core, I didn’t even have a right to ponder what others were really facing but considering my current circumstances it was all just too much and I felt so alone. Our road was unique yes, but all others face challenges unique to their road. Oh man, for the times I tripped because of comparison! In every way comparison is nothing but a poison pill. Anyway, by the end of our phone call we were both encouraged because we went to the words uttered in Scripture by the one we call Lord, which were… you will suffer for my namesake but take heart dear one, because… I am with you until the end of the age. For those of us who believe and follow Jesus may we remember and receive His peace because when all of life and faith gets boiled down to the bones, this is it.

We are promised pain.

“I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but take heart, I have overcome the world.” Jesus in John 16:33


We are promised His presence as we live out our days for him.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20

May you know because of the power and peace His Spirit is to and in you, you are not alone and you will be okay even when it is not okay. Enjoy this beautiful song and below that is a letter I wrote a while ago… just. for. you.

Dear friend and saint. I am sorry. As I read your message I recall being the one sending similar messages out. Thank you for letting us be beside you in life. 

These days where it seems, and is, that everything and everyone is too much. I am praying you know and sense Jesus with you. 

Remembering some of my hardest times, I praise God for His letting me know them. He was with me and because of THOSE times… He became my ALL. 

I am asking Him to keep your heart in a willing state to receive Him. (I’m not saying it isn’t already.) Sweetness and breath, freedom and joy are yours. 

If you, dear one, are at your breaking point, I dare to say “let it all break.” I pray you aren’t offended by my saying so. Living these days “owning my broken” has actually become my life’s banner in Jesus. This reality of my brokenness is what brought me into GETTING to love Him and His higher ways. Learning and healing came as I let His Spirit guide me into understanding: what/when/who/how and why I was resisting, this/that/them in life! I resisted what seemed like everything and everyone. It was shocking! Habits had won even with Jesus being within me! In my case there was fear and lack of trust and belief at the root.

In my faith journey with Jesus I had practiced knowing His truth but not letting His truth manifest in/through me because it hurt too much but, He in His completeness of light and life is already within us sooooo may there be no more resistance on my/our behalf. May we yet purpose to grip onto nothing of ourselves. Jesus, I ask by the power of Your gifted Spirit of God within us, Your Spirit of LIGHT and LIFE, lead us into freedom from ourselves, may we hold to none of our ways. 

It was in the complete undoing of myself that new and lasting life — life “free” of fear — was bestowed to me. This didn’t happen in an instant, but pretty darn close compared to the lifetime I had lived lost in fear, shoulds, ideals and oughts. 

As your friend and sister I am here beside you willing to serve in ways you need as you ask to let yourself be broken by Him, for Him. You are sooooo loved. You are held. You are being led. You have choices before you may you trust Jesus will light the way. May you step humbly yet confidently into every situation and communicate boldly in love with grace and truth and know enough to believe…

there will be fruit AND your faith will grow ♥️

I love you!!!