
My eyes first see…

Work at living in peace with everyone… Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many. Hebrews 12:14a, 15

and then I was given a very clear memory of a having mailed a letter to our family some years ago. By family I mean my maiden side, Morton and Tanner and my married family, Oberholzer and Shultz. I do not recall why I felt the need to send a letter to them and lucky you, it turns out the old letter was still on my trusty iMac. For some special insight to that day seven years ago, read to the end. As you read may you count the gifts you have been given in the family you have, whether it be blood family, adopted family, friend family, faith family etc...

Each family Jesus has let me be a part of helps me see more of Him because He is in the messy and the beautiful. Remember, all things exists in, through, and for Jesus, including family. If we seek to find Him, He will be found and we will then be given hope. It is a hope in HIM we are promised, not a hope in or for the change of circumstances, however He certainly could bring that too. By remembering this, we can let all which He has ordained and planned (for our good) teach us more about the mystery of His perfect and unconditional love.

Perfect and unconditional love is often what one would hope to have in a family but if we were given it there, we would have no need for Jesus. I have come to know Him more because of His letting me see, feel, and grow through the fallenness of myself and the flesh and blood of all we call family. We see here in Scripture the certain outcome of bitterness is trouble. I always have a choice… let Jesus bring restoration or keep Him away from my heart and let the default outcome of bitterness bring trouble to me and the relationships I have. I remain in a posture of asking Him to let me choose wisely and by that may He bring more life into my days and my relationships. Am I alone here? I hope not.

Last tid-bit o’ goodnesssssss… how awesome is it that we are to “look after each other SO THAT none of us fail to receive the grace of God.” I need you all to remind me when I’m in the muck and mire, God’s grace is there, perfect and ready for me to receive, to then restore me! When you are in the muck and mire, I am here reminding you, God’s grace is there, perfect and ready to be received, to then restore you <3

yes, Yes, YES!!!

Let’s look after each other as one family and remind each other to receive, really truly receive, God’s perfect and abundant grace, when we do, it changes us and He will change the world through us <3




Now for the letter (with a favorite bit of reading music) enjoy <3

September 20, 2012

I love you and wanted to share what was on my heart as of late. Actually, I had procrastinated getting this written, not sure why. Maybe it will fill one of your souls as it arrives on the day that I finally finished.

Celebrating Unity

Looking around at how the world is, and how our communities are, so disjointed even our church communities...but yet, our family (albeit with our own waves) is a family of TRUE blessing from our God, the creator and sustainer of all.

Psalm 133

A Psalm of David

How wonderful it is, how pleasant,

when brothers live together in harmony!

For harmony is as precious as the fragrant anointing oil

that was poured over Aaron’s head,

that ran down his beard and onto the border of his robe.

Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon

that falls on the mountains of Zion.

And the LORD has pronounced his blessing,

even life forevermore.

Beautiful! Read it aloud and let it sink in. I wish I could share with you as well, the beautiful musical chords that are echoing between my four walls of the office. Thoughts from pondering the word harmony.

harmony |ˈhärmənē|noun ( pl. harmonies )

1. the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect.

• the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole: delightful cities (how about “delightful families”) where old and new blend in harmony.

• an arrangement of the four Gospels, or of any parallel narratives, that presents a single continuous narrative text. (NEWS to ME!)

2. agreement or concord.

I pause now to add some extra thoughts. There is LOUD jostling of legos clanking together at my feet as Caleb rifles for the perfect piece. This has me pause longer to hear it as harmony also. Knowing I am the mother of three and knowing God’s blessing does not run dry I wonder what will this family look like for them, these three, as they sit and ponder life?

This unity and harmony that we have within our family hasn’t come easily yet I am hoping this reminds you while we have it, celebrate it. Take delight in this and live in the gift of goodness which it is.

You all in some manner have served as a companion to me and my family in this journey of life here on the hardened soil. Thank you. Honest apologies have been sought and forgiveness has been granted. For this I am grateful.

Having been in times of, and/or continuing on a life of, enduring hardships, we are called to press on. More specifically, press on in joy. These hardships with our family have played a key role in helping me become the daughter of God He desires. As you reflect on the experiences you’ve been blessed with may you find, if it needs to be found, your sense of gratitude. Hold onto this and remain hopeful with joy of the days yet to come.

Thank you for your presence in…

my life, a life changed by Christ, Ryan’s life, a life changed by Christ, Audrey Elaine’s beautiful and admiring life, a life learning to lean on Christ, Spencer Christian’s impactful compassionate life, changing others by hearing his Christ’s whisper, and Caleb Jefferson’s his life of being strong possessing the ability to command a room, shining light and inspiring others to hope in more, knowing there was and is power within God’s miracles yet to be shared!

My prayer is that we all continue to be useful and effective for His Kingdom - all of US -

The Morton, Tanner, Oberholzer and Shultz Tribe

love, kara joy