The Last 65 Day Pause, Part 9

My children are amazing.  If you have children then yours are too, let’s celebrate this truth together. 

These three we have been given are divinely placed here to be part of "our flock."  The journey we are on has been somethin’!  It has been richly satisfying within yet also challenging because of all the change. 

Simply put, change has been our constant. 

We have sought, we have been led, we are given peace.  We carry on and follow the best we know how, and here, in this way, our journey has been lonely.  Much of what we have experienced is so completely opposite from what feels like 99.9% of all others, Jesus lovers or not. This though is partly why I’m sharing now with the "masses" because I know there are others of you who have totally surrendered and abandoned yourselves to Jesus, are led by Him, continue to walk out your days and still experience loneliness too.

The heart-wrencher my friend shared was while this new farmhouse property was only seven miles from where we were living, it is a different school district.

Insert mama tears. 

(Remember in my bullet point list shared earlier, my kids had just started at public school in October, after having been homeschooled the two previous years.  This move could require a change of school, just two months after they started and were loving it to boot!?!  Sigh.)

To be continued…