I hadn’t spoken with my friend for at least six months. We have a special bond because of a book study that we had both participated in so of course I wanted to hear the latest from her...which I did. Her update was full of praise, which is always awesome and just as I was pulling up to my destination she turned the conversation to the question she had for me.
“So, I’ve got a question for you. You were brought to mind today over something which I haven’t run by my husband yet but I have to ask, are you and Ryan interested in living in the newest farmhouse we acquired?”
She continued on to say how they had found someone from NY that was set to move in “But…” and “We were thinking we’d rent it to her for $1500” and it’s “This and that..” and then my friend said “But we would offer it to you and Ryan for $___!”
The number she shared was just over half of what they were originally asking for rent and was only $50 more than our current rent of the lovely but oh-so-itty-bitty three room house.
The sun had done a good job of warming the car on my drive but the warmth that was given to me within my being was indescribable. I had tears streaming down my face and to say my heart was pounding, is an understatement.
My friend had NO IDEA that our family had been in a time of re-evaluation, that I had written an essay in obedience to “win a farm,” that my heart was in a posture of waiting on God and knowing that God was moving…! Surprise, He was moving in a way I was not prepared for and at this point I didn’t need to know any of the details because I knew, that I knew, that I knew this was going to be a gift, His gift!
She then shared with me a few more specifics, so amazing, however, upon hearing one detail my heart was heavy.
To be continued…