The Last 65 Day Pause, part 6

Back to the big picture...     

Technically my intentional pause came to an “end” on November 26th.  This was the date that the contest was originally set to announce the winner of the farm.  However, in October the owners of the farm running the contest chose to extend the deadline with hope to receive more essay entries.  This would hopefully bring them to their minimum of 5,000 essays entered, as expressed in contest rules.  (Do the math, 5,000 entries each at $200 would surely allow them to “gift” the farm to one essay author.)  I was at peace knowing there would not be a winner announced and my hope was not deferred.  In my heart I still knew “something was coming.”

Side note: having the “no sweets” end, as we were at my mom and dad’s house for Thanksgiving was special.  You see, my mom makes the best pies, hands down!  I had waited on the Lord in those 65 days and He certainly was good and I doubly enjoyed each bite of those pies because of the time waiting on Him.

Time was still due to pass as far as the advancement of the contest. 

I waited.  We waited. 

Our children had been aware of some of the bullet point miracles I shared earlier helping to keep them in the hope of knowing “something was yet coming” and since it’s from God, it WILL be good!  November 30th was just about here which was the set day when the contest owners were to announce if they had received enough entries to continue and thus reward the winner on January 1st and if not, the owners will cancel the contest and return all $200 entry fees.  What will they decide?

To be continued...