The Last 65 Day Pause, part 3

There I was, September 22, sitting in the surreal moment of holding a completed and “pretty good” edited essay, a money order for $200 and the entry form to enter the contest.  At that moment, I was numb. Having confirmations from Almighty God certainly has a way of doing that!  While God is always searching my heart and knows my intentions, I wanted to pause and ask Him if He’d have me “do” and/or in some cases “not do,” something therefore, I devoted the remainder of the day to being ‘antenna aware’ of my thoughts and surroundings and wait upon Him to possibly whisper into my proposed pause.

A little later that day, I had picked up a journal of mine from years prior. I will often do that, I find it helps me celebrate His faithfulness and reminds me of His presence. My eyes fell across the top of the page, I saw “Psalm 65” jotted down, mmm...I thought, gonna have to look that up and I kept reading.  Once finished I pulled out my Bible and read over Psalm 65. Instantly I knew it was a gift for me, for us. I took the gift of Psalm 65 to heart and purposed to commit it to memory over this intentional pause time of...(just guess how many days between mailing the essay and when they were to announce the winner...) 65 days! 

Is it possible to be more numb, because as I counted the days out, that is how I felt! Later that day I was reading “You and Me Forever:  Marriage in Light of Eternity" by Francis Chan and within those pages, I sensed that I was to “taste and see the LORD is good.” Oh my, another gift?!?  And with that I also decided in this 65 day pause I would not consume any “sweets” (no added sugar/sweet treats/desserts etc).  

Then the pause. 65 days of waiting. Waiting for what? Only God knew. Yet, I knew, without knowing, that something was coming!

To be continued…