The Last of The Last 65 Day Pause

It was clear in our hearts that this was a timely and perfect gift from above and at the same time we did not want to neglect addressing logistically how moving there could and would impact us individually and as a flock. 

We have learned much from our time in little-house-living!  We dare not abandon the fruit of freedom we have been given having lived small for the previous 18 months.  One would hope that with intention and planning we could manage the upkeep of this new home and property without extra stress.  Our current reality was we could "Q-tip clean" (like, really, really, clean) our little house from top to bottom in 90 minutes and we had zero outdoor yard and lawn obligations.  This new property could hold four of our little houses in it, and while I’d certainly abandon the standard of Q-tip cleaning, we didn’t want to be foolish in not counting the cost of time, effort and energy needed.  Add to that, we’d be choosing to maintain over five acres of land, much of it holding fruit trees and it’s like “yikes, but yeah!” 

The logistical truth is it will require more time and money to live there. Will it be worth it? 

For me to remember what it felt like a few years prior for us to live in a stressed home brought forth fear.  Was this fear founded in truth?  At that time, it was our given reality to learn from, and learn, we did, therefore; as for the things we can control, we will intentionally apply what we have learned to this new grand opportunity.  After an honest assessment, Ryan and I were confident that this new home environment will not be a repeat of those earlier, tougher years. 

With that awareness, peace, and PRAISE, we shared with our friends that we would be honored to be the caretakers of their property.  God had whispered to me in this pause that which was coming included Him making "this place a home."  We know this house is not a home because of its size, the history it holds, or who possesses the deed.  It will be our home simply because it's the place we are free to embrace each other and embrace those who grace our threshold.

It has been our home now for six months and within these walls we have celebrated some of our own family traditions and it's been a gathering place for many others.  Later, I will share how being here and living out this "crowning" of our year has played out.  The good truth is I am and we are a better flock for it, but I'd be lying to say it has all been grins. 

This gift to us was unplanned, unknown, and unconventional.  How like Him, to give us minute-to-minute opportunities to gasp and be giddy because of the beauty here.  We were wonderfully content living in the little house in the alley and to be honest we do miss parts of living there. A dear friend shared these words with me and I received them as a BIG heart-hug "your family is being honored for your faithful obedience as you've walked this less traveled path." 

Honored [if you say so]  Faithful obedience [our hope]  Less traveled [ √ ] 

As this path is yet new for us I do believe there is still more coming and it will all be for our good.  In the meantime (and finally, as far as I'm concerned) may all the earth hear us praising and declaring, this is a gift from our Almighty God, for such a time as this!